Senior Associate
Emmanuel is a development management consultant with over a decade of experience in results-based project management, strategic planning and institutional strengthening. Emmanuel’s expertise in seeking the welfare of the vulnerable, particularly women and children has been utilised through project implementation management, monitoring and evaluation and institutional assessment, in various sectors including Health, Education, WASH, Agriculture, and Energy. Currently, his work has focused on building capacities of government and stakeholders in assessing, addressing, and monitoring care reform, social workforce capacity assessment and strengthening, coordinating country-level assessments, and developing strategic documents for different aspects of child protection-related work.
He has also worked on other aspects of child protection such as child labour and child trafficking and has consulted for several organisations including USAID, Global Affairs Canada, UNICEF, UNDP, IOM, MasterCard Foundation, Catholic Relief Services, KOICA, and a host of other home country government and private institutions.
His child protection works includes oversight functions for a KOICA-funded UNICEF multi-sectoral child protection project, outcome assessment of a six-year US government funded child trafficking project, assessing and developing National Plan of Action for combating Human Trafficking, developing framework for action in combating child labour in cocoa, Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning support for various aspects of care reform (including gatekeeping, family strengthening, transition, etc.), social workforce assessment, as well as costed capacity building strategy for social service workforce.
Emmanuel holds an BSc. Degree in Development Planning and MPhil in Planning, specialising in decentralised governance and participation of local level actors in the development process. This has been brought to bear on his child protection work, finding the critical nexus between child protection and inter-sectoral collaboration and coordination in effectively responding to the needs of children.
Thematic Expertise
Project Experience
Country Experience